Blog tagged as CRM

Macam Mana CRM Boleh Bantu Bisnes Kecil?

04-03-2022 04:54 PM By Marsya - Comment(s)
Macam Mana CRM Boleh Bantu Bisnes Kecil?
Kebanyakan bisnes kecil masih kurang peka dengan kebaikan kegunaan sistem customer relationship management (CRM) untuk bisnes mereka. Tak kisah lah apa pun yang mereka niagakan, sama ada produk atau servis, sistem CRM boleh bagi impak yang besar pada bisnes.

Stay connected with your customers on CRM

09-12-2021 11:01 AM By Aliya - Comment(s)
Stay connected with your customers on CRM

Where would your business be without your customers? If you want a sustainable business, then you must do what it takes to build solid relationships with your customers.

A software like customer relationship management (CRM) could make things smooth-sailing for your business. Its main function is to...

CRM for newbies

07-12-2021 10:20 AM By Aliya - Comment(s)
CRM for newbies

You just got back from meeting up with some of your business friends and all they spoke about was owning a CRM. This may be the first time you hear such terms and you're probably wondering what's it all about. Well then, let's not leave you all clueless.


Chuck your Sales Problems away with ZOHO

13-07-2021 11:43 AM By Marsya - Comment(s)
Chuck your Sales Problems away with ZOHO
How do you ensure your sales team can juggle all at once? If they still practice the old-school sales processes, then may we suggest your team switch to ZOHO? How reliable is this system? Let us show you how ZOHO can fix your sales problems.

Do Small Businesses Require CRM System?

03-06-2021 09:59 AM By Marsya - Comment(s)
Do Small Businesses Require CRM System?
You want growth, you need to invest – its that simple. That is why we suggest you get a good CRM system for your business. Don’t worry its worth the money!
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