
Blog tagged as E-Invoice

List of E-Invoice Courses/Seminars/Trainings in Malaysia

29-04-2024 04:19 PM By Marsya - Comment(s)
List of E-Invoice Courses/Seminars/Trainings in Malaysia
The demand for relevant training is on the rise. This article offers a list of the top e-invoice courses, seminars, and training sessions available in Malaysia for you to choose from, providing a valuable resource for organizations seeking to streamline their invoicing processes.

E-Invois Diwajibkan Bagi Semua Perniagaan - LHDN

25-04-2024 04:10 PM By Marsya - Comment(s)
E-Invois Diwajibkan Bagi Semua Perniagaan - LHDN
Siapa yang wajib guna e-invois? Jawapannya adalah semua pembayar cukai yang menjalankan aktiviti komersial di Malaysia; Perniagaan-ke-Perniagaan (B2B), Perniagaan-ke-Pengguna (B2C) dan Perniagaaan-ke-Kerajaan (B2G).