
Blog tagged as website

Macam mana nak buat dan naikkan SEO?

31-01-2024 04:18 PM By Nik - Comment(s)
Macam mana nak buat dan naikkan SEO?
Apa itu SEO? Kenapa SEO penting? Macam mana nak buat dan naikkan SEO? Meh kita jawab soalan-soalan ni.

Should I get a chatbot for my website?

22-11-2021 11:24 AM By Aliya - Comment(s)
Should I get a chatbot for my website?

Have you noticed tiny robots popping up on your screen asking "How can I help you?" whenever you click on a website? Nope, they do not mean any harm, they're genuinely there to help you! Chatbots are what they're called.


What even is a chatbot? Well, it is a type of... robot, but not...