
Blog tagged as Accounting

List of E-Invoice Courses/Seminars/Trainings in Malaysia

29-04-2024 04:19 PM By Marsya - Comment(s)
List of E-Invoice Courses/Seminars/Trainings in Malaysia
The demand for relevant training is on the rise. This article offers a list of the top e-invoice courses, seminars, and training sessions available in Malaysia for you to choose from, providing a valuable resource for organizations seeking to streamline their invoicing processes.

E-Invois Diwajibkan Bagi Semua Perniagaan - LHDN

25-04-2024 04:10 PM By Marsya - Comment(s)
E-Invois Diwajibkan Bagi Semua Perniagaan - LHDN
Siapa yang wajib guna e-invois? Jawapannya adalah semua pembayar cukai yang menjalankan aktiviti komersial di Malaysia; Perniagaan-ke-Perniagaan (B2B), Perniagaan-ke-Pengguna (B2C) dan Perniagaaan-ke-Kerajaan (B2G).

[Case Study] Nama je Tadika tapi...

16-01-2024 12:29 PM By Zirah - Comment(s)
[Case Study] Nama je Tadika tapi...
semua proses dalam operasi tadika dah digital.. Power tak power? Jadi dengan inisiatif yang mereka ambil ini menjadi kunci utama dalam memastikan kecekapan, ketepatan, dan pengalaman pelanggan yang unggul di dalam kalangan pendidikan prasekolah yang semakin mencanak sehingga ke hari ini

[Case Study] Innoveam Sdn.Bhd: Advanced Sales & Project Automation

20-07-2023 02:08 PM By Zirah - Comment(s)
[Case Study] Innoveam Sdn.Bhd: Advanced Sales & Project Automation
The problems include consolidation of information across departments and tracking number of hours taken to handle projects. Unreliable data is one of the most common hurdles companies face..

[Case Study] Carpedia Global Holidays Sdn. Bhd: Vehicle Fleet Management System

20-07-2023 01:58 PM By Zirah - Comment(s)
[Case Study] Carpedia Global Holidays Sdn. Bhd: Vehicle Fleet Management System
Handling the drivers, vehicles, vendors, payment collections, renewals, and internal staff claims manually is no easy feat. Like any other up-and-coming company, they rely heavily on excel sheets for nearly everything..