Digital Transformation

Blog categorized as Digital Transformation

Stay connected with your customers on CRM

09-12-2021 11:01 AM By Aliya - Comment(s)
Stay connected with your customers on CRM

Where would your business be without your customers? If you want a sustainable business, then you must do what it takes to build solid relationships with your customers.

A software like customer relationship management (CRM) could make things smooth-sailing for your business. Its main function is to...

Should I get a chatbot for my website?

22-11-2021 11:24 AM By Aliya - Comment(s)
Should I get a chatbot for my website?

Have you noticed tiny robots popping up on your screen asking "How can I help you?" whenever you click on a website? Nope, they do not mean any harm, they're genuinely there to help you! Chatbots are what they're called.


What even is a chatbot? Well, it is a type of... robot, but not...

Roadblocks to Going Digital

30-09-2021 09:58 AM By Marsya - Comment(s)
Roadblocks to Going Digital
If it's not broken, why fix it? Is there a need for a new system? Why change the process when there is absolutely nothing wrong with it? And the questions go on and on. What are some possible roadblocks which make this group of individuals resistant to digital transformation?