
Senario & Jenis E-Invois yang ada di Malaysia

13-05-2024 03:00 PM By Zirah - Comment(s)
Senario & Jenis E-Invois yang ada di Malaysia
Model e-Invois ini memastikan kaedah yang komprehensif dan seragam untuk pengeluaran, penghantaran dan penyimpanan rekod dokumen transaksi. Berikut adalah senario dan jenis invois yang terlibat dengan transaksi pelaksanaan e-Invois

List of E-Invoice Courses/Seminars/Trainings in Malaysia

29-04-2024 04:19 PM By Marsya - Comment(s)
List of E-Invoice Courses/Seminars/Trainings in Malaysia
The demand for relevant training is on the rise. This article offers a list of the top e-invoice courses, seminars, and training sessions available in Malaysia for you to choose from, providing a valuable resource for organizations seeking to streamline their invoicing processes.

E-Invois Diwajibkan Bagi Semua Perniagaan - LHDN

25-04-2024 04:10 PM By Marsya - Comment(s)
E-Invois Diwajibkan Bagi Semua Perniagaan - LHDN
Siapa yang wajib guna e-invois? Jawapannya adalah semua pembayar cukai yang menjalankan aktiviti komersial di Malaysia; Perniagaan-ke-Perniagaan (B2B), Perniagaan-ke-Pengguna (B2C) dan Perniagaaan-ke-Kerajaan (B2G).

Why do you need to track your Business Expense?

13-03-2024 10:00 AM By Zirah - Comment(s)
Why do you need to track your Business Expense?
Imagine the freedom of understanding where every penny goes, the ease of tracking trends, and the power to make decisions that align with your business goals.

Where money matters meet effortless tracking

13-03-2024 10:00 AM By Zirah - Comment(s)
Where money matters meet effortless tracking
Imagine the freedom of understanding where every penny goes, the ease of tracking trends, and the power to make decisions that align with your business goals.